eek! pirates!
my goodness, i sure do wish i was a pirate.
you get to drink rum ALL the time when you are a pirate. what fun.
but as i am not a pirate, i will just have to watch movies about pirates.
and the previews to the pirate movies. there was this one that started out so LAME, but i tell ya, it was more than meets the eye, if you know what i'm saying. tea hee!
anyways, other fun adventures include: being teased at a conference because i am going off to UBC to be a theorist (but my poster did get lots of positive attention, even with the print shop not printing the title of my poster), i had a picnic at the jazz festival with marjorie and rhiannon, i saw ANI D with patricia (i loves loves loves loves loves ani, she played a good mix of songs my favs: swim and shameless wo0t! and she put up very nicely with a crowd that yelled things like : i recycle and look at me!), at the ani show i got a new bottle opener key chain and discovered that heineken has new exciting beer bottles.
the ani d bottle opener came in handy on sunday when i went on fun driving adventures out to patricia's cottage. the cottage was surrounded by a shallow river. at one side of the cottage we would get into the river with our tubes and go for a nice relaxing ride (relaxing when you are not running into the river bank, or bailing water out of your raft with a beer bottle or playing "bumper-tube" or getting beached at a really shallow bit or getting your tube flipped over; those times are just plain FUN) which would last about 30 minutes and then we would end up on the other side of the cottage. NICE. a nice fun sunny day at the cottage. yay for patricia!!!
PS. yarrrrrr!
nice!!! but i still think i like jonny depp better
I think Kelsey looks just like Jonny depp!!!! Like, in a good way.
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