Sunday, October 22, 2006

beer, presents, and socks

This past friday was the first official PHAS beer club. i call it official since i emailed all the grad students about it. there seemed to be some confusion about the whole "social activity" thing going on. oh my!

hey! who are these strange creatures??? look at what beer club will do to you! yup yup! a princess and the swedes (you know that i will always track them down!)
Thanks to alex (mr. big head in the picture) i think i will start taking pics with my mactop of all the people that enter my office. fun times! well at least for me, the camera shy might not be too happy....

ooooooooooh does this look like something ever so exciting?? a big box with a bow (it's there really) appeared on my desk!!! what an exciting present!!!

well, that is until you open it and find 250-ish midterms that are needing to be marked.

and all that marking makes me want to procrastinate via the knitting.

lookie lookie! i finished my fist pair of toe up socks!
super-yay since it's socktober!!! wo0t!
toe-up equals super fun! don't have to worry about running out of yarn when you get to the toe!

this is part of another pair of socks (yes yes i'm a little sock obsessed). i'm pretty excited about getting these ones done. though i have been working on them for a really long time...
i keep doing the crazy "re-write pattern" thing.

but again i say: fun!

on a final note, this picture sure makes me happy.


At 23/10/06 09:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I really need to learn toe-up socks, because I'm about 5 rows away from experiencing the dreaded RUNNING OUT OF YARN FOR THE TOE!!! Curses!!!

At 23/10/06 14:45, Blogger Alex said...

very cool socks! I'm so jealous!

At 23/10/06 21:15, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, I love the toe-up socks, they are so cool. Maybe I should learn to knit something other than scarves. Hey, I'm making a DNA scarf so I can be just like you! Kelsey is my hero. Now take down those horrible pictures of me on your picasa. :P


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